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January 04, 2009


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Julie F

That sounds so interesting. I want to go more places like that again soon. I was wondering about the mountain ranges between the bay area and bakersfield on the Western side of Hwy 5. Have you been up there? I think that is pretty underpopulated as well. I went to Berkeley Marina (Cesar Chavez Park?) today for 60 degree weather. There were masses of people, quietly enjoying with dogs, babies, chipmunks and many birds. Local heaven.

Susan McCarthy

Not the Coast Range, but the hills east of 101? The Diablo Range and the Cholame Hills, shading down into the Carrizo Plains (where the sandhill cranes hang out)?


I don't KNOW! I saw a lot of open space from an airplane when I returned from LA this summer- then I looked on the map a while ago, but don't have a special place in mind. So, I guess I just have to look at the map and be a lot more specific. Have you been somewhere up there? Want to take a trip? Where should we go and what to explore up there? I want to go someplace away from civilization and somewhat magical, but still within range of a meal and cup of coffee.. :-)

Susan McCarthy

One sees such mysterious things from planes sometimes.

Let's take more detailed discussion to email. I will say that it is hard to get away from coffee in California. I have seen an espresso cart at 9,500 feet (just below Tioga Pass), so I think there may be no need to carry our own coffee.

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